Historical Committee:  Mary Jean Foster Horton, Earnestine Foster Gavin, Tia Foster Robertson

At the 2005 Jackson/Jones/Foster Family Reunion, the Executive Committee felt the need to establish a Historical Committee. Through the years, the Jackson/Jones/Foster Family has compiled an extensive database of our family ancestry including narratives from the family elders, census reports, photographers, etc. In this age of technology, it is only natural to progress to the next level by sharing this wealth of family knowledge on the family website. In this light, the Historical Committee has developed the following three objectives for the next year:

     * Upload the family tree on Foster/Jackson/Jones website
     * Create an electronic family reunion archive as a link on the Foster/Jackson/Jones website (including photographs, newsclips, memoirs, etc.)
     * Reach out to family members listed on the family tree but not in the family directory

We are also considering creating a family time capsule to store clothing,magazines,gadgets,memoirs, life goals, etc. The time capsule would be revisited ten years later, 2017, and would provide an opportunity to reflect on the culture and progression towards our personal/family goals. As you can see, the Historical Committee has been brainstorming to discover ways to enrich our family connections. If you have any suggestions, comments, or would like to participate on the committee, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tia Foster Robertson          Ernestine Foster Gavins          Mary J. Hortan
(404) 409-2319                 (205) 798-5983                     (205) 780-0294
tialaurice@yahoo.com        efgavin02@aol.com                mj_horton@hotmail.com